Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Poetry: From a Character's Perspective

Please go to the MOODLE page and download the "30 Days of Poetry" document.  Pick one of the poem formats to write.  Then...  

For this blog, I would like you to write a poem as if you were one of the characters in the book.  Be sure to explain: who is the character writing the poem and what type of poem you choseThen either place the poem onto a picture. Utilize to create the image with words on it.

Mrs. Carn's Example
Just Because Poetry: Tally

Monday, April 25, 2016

Story to Song Connection

·         Pick a song that represents a character, theme, setting, or event within the Uglies thus far.
·         Then in a detailed paragraph (no less than 8 sentences) explain why this song fits.
·         You must cite specific lines of the song and explain the song in reference to the book.
·         Don't pick a song just because you like it.  Make sure it is the right fit!

Mrs. Carn's Example:
I chose the song, "We are Young" by the band called Fun. I chose this song for two reasons.  The first reason is that I think it epitomizes the "pretty lifestyle" within the book.  They do not have a care in the world - they are young, pretty, and they just want to have a party all the time.  Every night is a blast - with music, drinks, laughter, fireworks, and they truly feel like they are going to "set the world on fire".  I also chose this song to represent this struggling relationship between Tally and Peris.  In the song the artist sings, "Now I know that I'm not/all that you got/I guess that I/just thought maybe we could find new ways to fall apart" and I feel this describes the tension within their relationship.  Tally desperately wants to be with Peris but her "ugliness" is keeping that from occurring.  Peris wants to be her friend but his new lifestyle is halting that from happening.  Their relationship now seems a bit superficial and not based upon the substance it once had.  But in Peris' mind "they are young" and it's time to have fun and not worry about all of that.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Breaking the Code

In the chapter entitled, "Last Trick" - Shay decides that she is going to runaway.  Tally decides that she will NOT and that she would rather turn "pretty".  Shay, however, is still holding out that Tally will change her mind - so she gives Tally a sheet of paper with a code on it that will direct her on where to find her.  

For this blog, I would like for you to create a "secret message" from Shay to Tally.  Your message does NOT have to be directions - it can be any lasting thought Shay may have for Tally.  Make up the code and a directory for that code (as seen below).  THEN HAVE ONE PERSON GO TO YOUR BLOG AND DECIPHER THE CODE - THEY NEED TO LEAVE THE ACTUAL MESSAGE IN THE "COMMENT BOX".
Mrs. Carn's Example: 
(first three to comment and figure out my answer and I'll give you extra credit!)

Code Directory:
A: *    B: ?    C: #    D: x   E: $   F: i    G: Y   H: @   I: -   J: =   K:!   L:^    

M:N:O: <   P:  w  Q: &   R: m   S:T: e   U:V:W: 

X: {   Y: Z: /

w^$*?$      #<%$    *+x    i-+x    %$.   
e@$    <w$m*e-<+    {-^^    #@*+Y$    +<e    
<+^~    ~<Cm   ^<<!?    ?Ce   ~<Cm   
w$m?<+*^-e~   e<<
?CmY$m~    {-^^    ?$    
x<+$   <+    ~<Cm   ?m*-+.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Rusty Ruins

For this blog, you need to create a brochure for the Rusty Ruins. Please utilize Google Drawing to create this brochure. When you are done you need to take a screenshot of the brochure and put it onto your blog. After you post the image then you need to describe the Rusty Ruins below it in no less than six sentences. You also need to utilize at least two direct quotes from the book.

On your brochure you need to include:
  • Title: The Rusty Ruins
  • Two Images that You Believe the Rusty Ruins to Look Like
  • Attractions and Five Bullet Points of Possible Reasons a Person Would Want to Visit the Rusty Ruins
  • History: Explain What This Place Is and How It Originated

Write your descriptive paragraph below. Make sure you include at least two direct quotes from the book to help in your description. This paragraph needs to be at least six sentences long.

Thursday, April 7, 2016


Here is your vocabulary list:
(below you will find directions on what you need to accomplish for each word given)

  1. interface
  2. expedition
  3. frantic
  4. cacophony
  5. impervious
  6. looming
  7. bemusement
  8. vulnerable
  9. dubious
  10. exotic
For each word complete the following on your blog:
  • Definition
  • Synonym
  • Antonym
  • Use it Properly in a Sentence
  • Extra Credit if you Add an Image

Monday, April 4, 2016

My Pretty Avatar

For this blog post, I would like for you to create an avatar. This avatar should be a representation of what you believe a pretty guy or a pretty girl looks like in the book. There are many free websites out there that allow you to create avatars and then download an image. 

I suggest you use:

After you are done, you need to insert the image of your avatar onto the blog post and then write about it. In at least eight sentences describe your Pretty. Within the paragraph, you need to quote the book at least once on descriptive items about your pretty. As you explain pretend you are speaking to a class of littlies and what they can expect when they turn 16 years old.