Monday, April 25, 2016

Story to Song Connection

·         Pick a song that represents a character, theme, setting, or event within the Uglies thus far.
·         Then in a detailed paragraph (no less than 8 sentences) explain why this song fits.
·         You must cite specific lines of the song and explain the song in reference to the book.
·         Don't pick a song just because you like it.  Make sure it is the right fit!

Mrs. Carn's Example:
I chose the song, "We are Young" by the band called Fun. I chose this song for two reasons.  The first reason is that I think it epitomizes the "pretty lifestyle" within the book.  They do not have a care in the world - they are young, pretty, and they just want to have a party all the time.  Every night is a blast - with music, drinks, laughter, fireworks, and they truly feel like they are going to "set the world on fire".  I also chose this song to represent this struggling relationship between Tally and Peris.  In the song the artist sings, "Now I know that I'm not/all that you got/I guess that I/just thought maybe we could find new ways to fall apart" and I feel this describes the tension within their relationship.  Tally desperately wants to be with Peris but her "ugliness" is keeping that from occurring.  Peris wants to be her friend but his new lifestyle is halting that from happening.  Their relationship now seems a bit superficial and not based upon the substance it once had.  But in Peris' mind "they are young" and it's time to have fun and not worry about all of that.

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