Sunday, May 15, 2016

Post Secret

Post Secret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a post card. It's been going on for years and still continues to this day. There has been a book of these secrets published and a website created too.

For this blog, I would like for you to create a "post secret" for one of the characters. Please focus on Part III of the book. What's a secret that one of the characters contains within this book? Find an image that befits your secret, and then using PicMonkey, put your secret on the image. Embed the image into your blog...THEN YOU NEED TO WRITE. Tell me who is holding this secret and why they are holding this secret in no less than EIGHT SENTENCES.

Consider these things:
  • What would happen if the secret got out?
  • Who would this secret affect?
  • Why won't this person just tell their secret?
  • How are they feeling about this secret?
Mrs. Carn's Post Secret


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